Bchs pros lc 6556

Our Curriculum Overview


We want students at BCHS to love learning. As such, we offer a curriculum which is not only broad and enriching but that seeks to stretch and inspire students. We understand that every child is different and so we draw on our knowledge of their strengths and weaknesses to provide them with high quality information, advice and guidance to inform their curriculum choices at GCSE and A Level and to ensure a seamless progression through the school. Outside of lessons we aim to provide a range of enrichment activities such as trips and visits, clubs and other opportunities to inspire and engage.

Intent Implementation Impact
  • As a school we intend for our students to follow a broad and balanced curriculum which enables them to be successful in whatever future direction they choose to go in.
  • In key stage 3 students will study a full range of National Curriculum subjects which includes PHSEE, RE and within these aspects of age appropriate SRE.
  • In key stage 4 students will study a range of GCSEs including a full EBACC quota for the majority of students, option subjects, a modern foreign language where appropriate and interventions relevant to need within each curriculum pathway. Students study a full range of core subjects with the majority following an EBACc pathway. Students are in sets for maths, science and English but mixed ability groups for all other subjects including the options subjects. 
  • At Key Stage 5  students study  A-levels and BTECs within our Sixth Form, with career package pathways available.Students are in sets for maths, science and English but mixed ability groups for all other subjects including the options subjects. will study A-levels and BTECs within our Sixth Form, with career package pathways available.
  • Across all key stages there will be a comprehensive package of enrichment including careers, PHSEE activities, and trips and visits.
  • Our key aim is to provide the best quality of education possible appropriate to the needs of our students, but also setting ambitious targets and goals for each individual. At the end of each key stage students should be achieving in line with their aspirational target and ne striving for their outstanding flightpath.
  • At the age of 16 or 18 students should be in a position to move into their chosen route of education, employment or training both in terms of academic achievement and work related skills.
  • We will have well qualified teachers in each subject area in terms of knowledge and teaching skills. Where non-specialists are present they are well supported.
  • Our curriculum enables opportunities for knowledge recall and reflective learning to enable students to build on prior learning.
  • Assessments are built into each subject curriculum and link to our whole school assessment weeks.
  • The flightpath system allows students and parents to see progression across time within each subject and allows for long term goals to be set for improvement.
  • Our PHSEE, form time and enrichment curriculum gives time for students to gain the knowledge and cultural capital they need to succeed in life.
  • Results at the end of each year and key stage reflect a well-planned curriculum by the evidence of good progress and outcomes for individual students.
  • Progress 8 at GCSE shows an improving situation and gaps for SEND and PPG students are closing.
  • ALPs scores show high levels of progress and achievement in subjects and for individual students based on their starting points.
  • Our destination data at 16 and 18 shows a variety of destinations/routes that are appropriate to our learners and high quality providers for employment (with training), apprenticeships or continued further and higher education.
  • Reading is embedded into the daily life of school through the Accelerated Reader programme in Years 8 and 9 and daily reading in Years 7,8 and 9.

5 Year Curriculum

Year 7 

Students are taught in two equal populations. They will have the opportunity to study all the subject areas laid out in the national curriculum which include English, maths, science, modern foreign languages, history, geography, technology, creative arts, PE, computing, literacy and ethics and philosophy.

Year 8 

Will be organised into two populations as in Year 7.  

Year 9 

In Year 9 students continue to study the full range of core subjects and it also acts as a foundation year in which students start to consider personal career interests and how their choice of subjects next year might support a suitable pathway. 


A proud partner in the Osborne Co-operative Academy Trust