Chemistry A Level

Subject Information

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Chemistry A Level

Curriculum information

Year 12 overview

Year 12 will cover the first four modules of the course, outlined below:

Module 1: Development of Practical Skills

Module 2: Foundations in Chemistry

Module 3: Periodic Table and Energy

Module 4: Core Organic Chemistry and Analysis.

You will also complete at least 6 required practical tasks (PAGs) that contribute to your practical skills qualification.

Year 13 overview

In year 13 you will cover the remaining two modules

Module 5: Physical Chemistry and Transition Elements

Including Units: Rates, equilibrium and pH; Energy and Transition Metals

Module 6: Organic Chemistry and Analysis

Consisting of Units: Aromatic compounds, carbonyls and acids; Nitrogen compounds, polymers and synthesis and Analysis.

You will also complete the remaining required practical tasks (PAGs) that make up the practical skills qualification.


SLE Video

Student Video


What our students say

"I really enjoyed studying this because it helped me look at the world differently." 

A proud partner in the Osborne Co-operative Academy Trust