Year 9 Options

These are currently under construction but will have increased content added over the coming weeks.


SUBJECT PAGES (key information for each subject)

GUIDED CHOICES BOOKLET (click here to download)


Key information

The key dates in the process are:

  • w/c 5th February - Year 9 Reports go home
  • Tuesday 12th March - Options Evening
  • Tuesday 19th March – Parents Evening for Year 9
  • Tuesday 26th March – Options Form Deadline

Advice and guidance

PHSEE Lessons

In Year 7 and 8 there were modules on careers and over the coming weeks students will have a series of lessons based in a computer room of the library working with their PHSEE teacher and our careers advisor investigating careers and the options process. 

Form time curriculum

Each week on a Thursday students have learnt about a new career – this started way back in Year 7 and has continued through Year 8 and 9.

The careers are explored using the BBC Bitesize and i-Could websites, which use inspirational videos, case studies and labour market information to inform students and promote discussion.

Other online sources of advice and guidance

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