Physics A Level

Subject Information

Physics A Level

Curriculum information

Year 12 overview

Year 12 will cover the first four modules of the course, outlined below:

Module 1: Development of Practical Skills

Module 2: Foundations in Physics

Module 3: Forces and Motion

Module 4: Electrons, Waves and Photons.  

You will also complete at least 6 required practical tasks (PAGs) that contribute to your practical skills qualification.

Year 13 overview

In year 13 you will cover the remaining two modules

Module 5: Newtonian World and Astrophysics

Including Units: Thermal Physics, Circular Motion, Oscillations, Gravitational Fields and Astrophysics and Cosmology

Module 6: Particle and Medical Physics

Consisting of Units: Capacitors, Electric Fields, Electromagnetism, Nuclear and Particle Physics and Medical Imaging.  

You will also complete the remaining required practical tasks (PAGs) that make up the practical skills qualification.


SLE Video

Student Video


What our students say

This was my favourite subject because I can watch most science shows and actually understand what they are talking about. 

A proud partner in the Osborne Co-operative Academy Trust