Making a Big School Small

The transition from primary school is an exciting time for students, however, it can also be a daunting prospect. From our years of experience to our dedicated teaching and support staff, we take pride in doing everything we can to ensure a smooth and comfortable transition for our new year 7 students.

  • Year 7 attend break and lunch 10 minutes earlier  than all other year groups
  • Year 7 have assigned playground areas for their use only
  • Year 7 have staff that are familiar with on duty during break and lunch
  • Year 7 have assigned prefects for each form group to support Year 7 events
  • Year 7 have form tutor as a daily point of call
  • Year 7 have access to a well-developed, caring pastoral well-being team including our success                    leaders and a Head of Year


A proud partner in the Osborne Co-operative Academy Trust