Contact Details

Headteacher: Mr A Hook

Brentwood County High SchoolShenfield Common, Seven Arches Road, Brentwood, CM14 4JF

Telephone: 01277 238 900
E-mail Address:

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Headteacher (Interim): Mr A Hook

BCH SENDco: Mrs L McMinn

Trust SENDco (SENDco Support): Mrs K Jones

SENDco Assistant: Ms J Butcher

Tel:01277 238900


Tel:01277 238900

Chair of Governors: Mr T Clegg

Admissions: Mrs J Day

Tel:01277 238900


Tel:01277 238900

Governor for Safeguarding: Mr T Clegg

Complaints / Website Information: Miss N Melton

Tel:01277 238900

A proud partner in the Osborne Co-operative Academy Trust