Welcome from the Headteacher

Dear Parents and Carers,

A warm welcome to Brentwood County High School. It is with great pleasure and excitement that we thank you for choosing our school for your child’s learning journey.

At Brentwood County High School, we will give all students the opportunity to develop a full range of skills and knowledge that they will need to succeed in later life, whatever pathway they choose to take. They will have many opportunities to develop their talents in a wide range of subject routes and activities. Subject routes such as the highly academic English Baccalaureate route and a wide range of other subjects such as physical education, music, food technology, Design and Technology including Construction are available. They will also have the opportunity to undertake activities like football, netball, music tuition, choir and STEM club and have the opportunity to travel to places such as Barcelona, France and have a go at skiing in Italy.

We expect them to work very hard in order to achieve their full potential and we expect students to follow our behaviour commitments. We want them to be respectful, demonstrate excellence, persevere in everything they do and be safe.

If they work hard and commit to their learning, they will achieve the best possible outcomes. Their focus and a positive ‘growth mind-set’ will enable them to be ready for learning at every stage over the next seven years. All of our teachers will go above and beyond to support them in fulfilling their potential.

We will have high expectations and aspirations for them all and we will support and guide them every step of the way. I want them to pay particular attention to our Co-operative values of Self-responsibility, Self-help, Equality, Equity, democracy and Solidarity and think about how they will meet each one of them every single day as they participate on their journey at Brentwood County High school.

I know that with your support and working in partnership we will help develop them into well-rounded, respectful and confident young adults with the ability to work both independently and with other people.

I wish them every success on their journey.

Yours sincerely,

Mr A Hook, Interim Headteacher

A proud partner in the Osborne Co-operative Academy Trust