Attendance and Medical

The expectation is that all students arrive in school by 8.25am to be in their classrooms ready to learn at 8.30am.

Traffic is worsening around the Brentwood area, please allow enough time for travel and ensure that an email is sent to our attendance email address if there is a genuine reason for students lateness. A member of staff is always on the gate to record late comers.

We expect 100% student attendance as research shows a clear link between attendance, academic success and student wellbeing. However, we understand at times your child may be unwell.  In this instance parents/carers MUST telephone the school absence line by 8.30am on the first day and every day of absence to explain the reason for absence and give an expected return date. This can also be done through email to

01277 238900

If no call or e-mail is recieved, the school will telephone home to find out the reason for the un-authorised absence. This is to ensure that students are safe. 


Feeling Unwell During School

If your child feels unwell during lesson, they must tell their teacher and they will ask for support from the Wellbeing Officer. If they feel that your child needs to go home, they will contact the appropriate parent/carer. Students must NOT phone home themselves and NEVER leave school site without permission.


Medical Appointments

Parents should try, where possible, to arrange all medical appointments outside of school hours. However, if this is unavoidable, the parent/carer must inform the school with sufficient notice and evidence by emailing our attendance email address.


Holidays during Term Time

The Government does not give any entitlement to parents to take their children out of school during term time.  The Education (Pupil Registration) (England) (Amendment) Regulations 2013 prohibits Headteachers granting leave of absence to a pupil except where an application has been made in advance and the Headteacher considers that there are exceptional circumstances relating to the application.  If leave is considered by parents or carers to be absolutely necessary, a holiday request letter or email should be completed and returned to the school at least two weeks before the proposed dates.  A reply will be sent, following consideration and if granted will include the conditions of approval.

Any term-time holiday will affect a student's coverage of the curriculum in all years. The link between attendance and academic outcomes is very clear. Students with higher attendance achieve more in their exams.

A proud partner in the Osborne Co-operative Academy Trust