Science - Physics
Back to Subjects MenuWhat is it to be a Physicist at BCHS?
Being a physicist is involves studying the natural universe and uncover why objects exist and behave as they do.
Physics is important in everything you do and makes a perfect career if you like asking really big questions.
You will find out about the world around you, developing practical skills, maths skills and knowledge that will be transferable across all sciences.
A physicist will apply themselves to the discovery and study of the ways that energy and matter interact. They will often conduct, investigate and conclude solutions or theories in science.
Practical work is an essential part of physics. You will take part in laboratory investigations and use these the improve understanding in all areas of physics, from mechanics to electricity and waves.
You will find out about the world around you, developing practical skills, maths skills and knowledge that will be transferable across all sciences.
A physicist will apply themselves to the discovery and study of the ways that energy and matter interact. They will often conduct, investigate and conclude solutions or theories in science.
Practical work is an essential part of physics. You will take part in laboratory investigations and use these the improve understanding in all areas of physics, from mechanics to electricity and waves.
You will find out about the world around you, developing practical skills, maths skills and knowledge that will be transferable across all sciences.
KS4 Overview
Year 9 overview
In Year 9 you will begin your study of the GCSE Physics topics. Across the year you will learn about:
Conservation and Dissipation of Energy
Energy Transfer by Heating
Energy Resources
Electric Circuits
Electricity in the Home
Molecules and Matter
Year 10 overview
In year 10 you complete Paper 1 content and then learn about the topics needed for paper two of the Chemistry GCSE paper.
This includes:
Paper 1 Radioactivity
Paper 2 Forces in Balance
Forces and Motion
Forces and Pressure
Wave Properties
Electromagnetic Waves
Year 11 overview
In Year 11 you will complete Paper 2 content with topics
Light, Electromagnetism and Space. You will then focus on developing mastery of the topics from years 9 and 10.
Students will focus on higher level understanding and application of their knowledge of different scenarios within exam style questions. They will repeat required practical experiments and look into different ways of completing these, honing practical and maths skills while linking Physics theory to each experiment.
Subject Overview - Sixth Form
Year 12 overview
Year 12 will cover the first four modules of the course, outlined below:
Module 1: Development of Practical Skills
Module 2: Foundations in Physics
Module 3: Forces and Motion
Module 4: Electrons, Waves and Photons.
You will also complete at least 6 required practical tasks (PAGs) that contribute to your practical skills qualification.
Year 13 overview
In year 13 you will cover the remaining two modules
Module 5: Newtonian World and Astrophysics
Including Units: Thermal Physics, Circular Motion, Oscillations, Gravitational Fields and Astrophysics and Cosmology
Module 6: Particle and Medical Physics
Consisting of Units: Capacitors, Electric Fields, Electromagnetism, Nuclear and Particle Physics and Medical Imaging.
You will also complete the remaining required practical tasks (PAGs) that make up the practical skills qualification.
Practical work is a major part of physics and there is a big focus on practical techniques within lesson. Students also have the option to join STEM Club where they build on their knowledge from lessons.
The Institute of Physics holds a Physics week, during which we hold competitions and activities for students to take part in.
Students are encouraged through homework and tasks to get out into their surroundings and develop their understanding of the chemical world around them.
Throughout the year, students will have the opportunity to enhance their studies. There will be a particular focus on practical work. There will also be the potential to attend Sciene Live lectures, tailored specifically to the A-level course.
How do we contribute to PHSEE, British Values and SMSC?
Students learn about the Big Bang Theory and discuss peoples differing beliefs on the beginning and development of the universe.
Students also consider the advances in the energy we are using, look at alternatives and discuss whether these are suitable both environmentally and from a health and safety perspective.
Students discuss the use of particle accelerators in creating the Higgs Boson, also known as the God Particle and the impact of waves on the surrounding areas such as Tsunamis and Earthquakes.
They also consider peoples differing beliefs on the origins of the universe and the ideas supporting this.
What careers does Physics support?
The major fields of employment include Scientific Research, business, finance, IT and Engineering Sectors
Students intending to take up careers in aerospace and defence, education energy and renewable, meteorology and climate change and health and medicine.
The subject also has links with maths, chemistry and computing making the course suitable for a wide range of engineering and research careers