Reading Expectations

Our aim is to develop confident readers who enjoy reading a diverse range of texts and are challenged and supported to develop their reading skills, whilst engaged to promote a love of reading.

Reading is at the centre of our curriculum across the school. To ensure all students continue to develop their reading and comprehension skills, a variety of strategies are used within our classrooms. Teachers model fluency when they read to classes through their intonation of pitch, stress and rhythm, awareness of punctuation and pauses, pace and use of tone to enhance meaning.

To support the progress of our weakest readers we have intervention programmes, specific to the identified needs of the students that are led by well trained staff.

To promote the love of reading we have a fantastic provision in the library with a huge range of texts, across a range of themes and authors. Within the Year 7 curriculum, students have a timetabled lesson in the library once a fortnight but are welcome to use the library during social times and after school.

Below is a reading list with hand picked titles we think you might enjoy!

Year 7-8 Reading List

Year 9-11 Reading List

A proud partner in the Osborne Co-operative Academy Trust