Jack Petchey Foundation

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June 2019 – Our Jack Petchey winners along with our Leader Award winner Ms Purnell

Jack Petchey Awards

Established in 1999, The Jack Petchey Foundation gives grants to programmes and projects that benefit young people aged 11-25. Brentwood County High School run the Gold scheme.

Sir Jack Petchey CBE set up the foundation to raise the aspirations of young people and celebrate what they have achieved. Since it began, over £133 million has been invested in programmes to benefit young people across London and Essex.

The Jack Petchey Achievement Award Scheme enables schools to recognise effort, endeavour and achievement of young people. An award will be given to one student. These awards are not about being the best but to recognise those special young people at BCHS. A student may get an award for:

  • Helping others
  • Being a good role model
  • Coping with adversity
  • Doing community work
  • Giving service within the school community
  • Just trying really hard

A student may only receive ONE award during their time at school.

The winner receives a framed certificate, a Jack Petchey Young Achiever pin badge and a £250 grant to be spent on a school project of their choice.

All Achievement Award winners are expected to attend the annual ceremony to receive their medallions. This award ceremony is usually held each June at the Towngate Theatre, Basildon.

Our 3 chosen winners for this year so far are Max, Kayley and James.

Our Student Parliament along with the SLT will be involved in choosing the Award winner from the nominations. We have 2 rounds – one in November when we select 3 winners and one in April when 6 winners are chosen.

Nomination forms can be downloaded by clicking the link …..........................

At Brentwood County High School we also nominate and honour the dedication and commitment of staff and volunteers - particularly those who go 'the extra mile' to support young people. This is our annual Leader Award - once the Leader Award application has been approved the winner will be able to apply for a Small Grant of up to £750!

Please visit the Jack Petchey Foundation website: www.jackpetcheyfoundation.org.uk where you can find further information.

If you have any questions regarding the Jack Petchey scheme please contact Karen Marshall via email k.marshall.bch@osborne.coop


JP picture 2The Jack Petchey Speak out challenge 2018/2019

Alex represented Brentwood County High School at the Jack Petchey Speak out challenge held in March 2019 at Roding Valley High School. AC Gaskell from the Speakers trust chose Alex to attend the workshop with 29 other Year 10 students from schools across Essex.

The students all benefited greatly from the day and made some of the following comments:

  • I thought today was a fantastic experience and has definitely boosted my confidence in speaking. – Matthew
  • This was a great training and should be done internationally – Raajveer
  • Brilliant workshop. I learnt a lot. Thank you for funding an opportunity to learn a life skill. – Daniel


A proud partner in the Osborne Co-operative Academy Trust